News weekly : must read and consider - Wednesday, January 27, 2021

News weekly : must read and consider
After COVID, Davos Moves to The “Great Reset”
- now the World Economic Forum is about to unveil what will transform the way we all live in what WEF head Klaus Schwab calls the Great Reset. Make no mistake. This all fits into an agenda that has been planned for decades by old wealth families such as Rockefeller and Rothschild.
- Brzezinski called it the end of the sovereign nation state. David Rockefeller called it “one world government.” George H.W. Bush in 1990 called it the New World Order. Now we can better see what they plan to impose if we allow.

World economy facing new ‘black swans,’ head of Russia’s sovereign wealth fund warns
- The global economy could see new “black swan” events, such as the uptick in inflation and the possibility of another pandemic.
- Now we expect that new flocks will appear. This could be about inflation. I think it will inevitably follow the printing of money around the world. Obviously, another pandemic is possible.

China to expand tests of digital yuan in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen
- China is expanding trials of its sovereign digital currency in the capital Beijing, the nation's most populous city of Shanghai and leading tech hub Shenzhen this year.

Big Picture Outlook For 2021
- a visual highlighting the “K-shaped” nature of the COVID era
- which are likely to persist, and which are already starting to converge

Major Russian bank gets ready to launch its own cryptocurrency by spring
- Russia’s largest lender, Sberbank, has applied to the national financial regulator to set up a blockchain platform for its own digital token called Sbercoin. The project may be launched as early as this spring.
- the lender has already completed an internal trial and concluded that “the solution” works.
- The bank is technologically ready to work with such a fiat currency.

- As we say goodbye to 2020 and look toward 2021, the key numbers on my screen and mind have nothing to do with dates yet everything to do with this: 14.
- 14 is the number of trillions by which the aggregate money supply increased in the U.S., EU, Japan and eight other developed economies in a single year, 2020.

Public Will Lose Up To 99% Of Their Wealth In The Next 5 Years - Egon von Greyerz
- stocks are in an “epic bubble.” Still, most investors ignore this since greed dominates their emotions. If stocks are up 3,800% since 1971, there is no reason why it shouldn’t continue…
- STOCK INVESTORS WILL BE WIPED OUT : stock market investors should now have sleepless nights as they are about to lose up to 99% of their wealth within the next 5 years.

Recession is over for the richest few, while billions will live in poverty for at least a decade ? Oxfam
- The Covid-19 pandemic has the potential to increase economic inequality in almost every country globally at once.
- The report, called ‘The Inequality Virus’, showed that the 1,000 richest people on the planet recouped their coronavirus losses within just nine months, but “it could take more than a decade for the world’s poorest to recover from the economic impacts of the pandemic.”

Russia cracks down on suspicious financial outflows from the country
- The Russian authorities want to battle a popular scheme for withdrawing money ? when a company based in Russia transfers cash to a non-resident firm after a court ruling.

Joe Biden’s Banana Republic

China Authorises Coast Guard to Fire on Foreign Vessels as US Sends Carrier Strike Group to Region
- US carrier strike group led by the USS Theodore Roosevelt entered the South China Sea.
- The National People’s Congress Standing Committee ? China’s top legislative body, has given the Coast Guard the authority to use “any means necessary,” including firing on foreign ships, to protect areas where China claims jurisdiction.

The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’Etat and the “Great Reset”
- We are at the crossroads of one of the most serious crises in World history. We are living history, yet our understanding of the sequence of events since January 2020 has been blurred.
- Worldwide, people have been misled both by their governments and the media as to the causes and devastating consequences of the Covid-19 “pandemic”.
- The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext and a justification to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to precipitate the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy, extreme poverty and despair.

Can US Workers Be Dismissed for Refusing to Be Vaxxed?
-Requiring a vaccine is a health and safety work rule, and employers can” fire noncompliant staff.

“US Been At War Almost Every Day Since Founded”
- ‘Crazed mob’ on Capitol Hill didn’t come out of nowhere: Noam Chomsky dissects America’s airbrushed ‘ills’
- This assault on the Capitol shows the power of American democracy, ‘cause we didn’t collapse into a fascist state. And that enabled us to show that American democracy in its magnificence has triumphed

U.S. Censorship Mania: A Threat to Independent Media. The Secretive Plan to Shut Down the Internet
- The U.S. state has already a secretive plan in place to shut down the internet and mobile phone systems, or portions thereof. This plan, known as SOP 303, enables the shutdown and restoration process for use by commercial and private wireless networks during a self-defined ‘national crisis’.
- In 2016 the U.S. Supreme court declined to hear a petition from the Electronic Privacy information center which would have required release of the SOP 303 details.

Times of Israel ? All the JEWS BIDEN HAS TAPPED for TOP ROLES in His New Administration
- From secretary of state to attorney general, a diverse cross-section of American Jewry is set to fill seats at the incoming president’s Cabinet table and elsewhere in government
- “Times Of Israel” ? US President Joe Biden filled the months before Inauguration Day lining up a slate of Cabinet secretaries, assistants and advisers, many of them Jewish.

Woman Aged 92 Dies in England Days After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine
- as of 24 January, about 6.3 million people from the top two groups ? those aged 80 and over and frontline health workers and care home staff ? had received the first dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech or AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccines.

Today Kicks Off “The Great Reset” World Economic Forum
- Today kicks off the annual World Economic Forum, which this time round is online and so can’t charge anyone $43 for a hotdog. Expect various iterations along the theme of “Builders’ Bums Better” from the talking heads as the ‘Great Reset’ slash ‘Great Reflation’ is dangled before markets.

Microsoft Wants to Reanimate You as a “Conversational” Chatbot After You Die
- The tech giant Microsoft has filed a patent for software that can “revive” a version of a person who has died and use that version as the basis for a conversational chatbot.
- The patent describes harvesting “social data,” which includes images, voice data, emails, text messages, social media posts, written letters, user profile and behavioral data, transactional data, geo-location data and more, in order to “modify a personalized chat index in the theme of certain person’s personality. This personality may resemble anyone for whom enough social data can be found and could also be a historical figure, a fictional character, or a celebrity.

Russian President Putin Tells 2021 Davos Forum That Divided Modern World Facing ‘REAL BREAKDOWN’, with Demographic STRUGGLES and ECHOES of the 1930s PRE-WW II TENSIONS
- “… The social and values crisis is already having negative demographic consequences, from which mankind is at risk of losing entire civilizational and cultural continents,” he said, stressing that it is a global responsibility to avoid this “gloomy dystopia. …”

International Warmongers Beat the War Drums for War Against Russia
- The Munich Security Conference – the Davos of the Warmongers
- “Love greetings to Moscow: Biden threatens to end Putin’s ‘tyranny'”. Biden made this poisoned “promise” to the Russian president long before his stolen election as the new US president (1). About the upcoming private meeting of selected warmongers in Munich, he says: “Like no other global forum, Munich connects European leaders and thinkers with their peers from across the world (2).” However, the only certain thing about this so-called security conference – postponed because of the Corona plague – is that the world’s worst warmongers are again beating the war drums. This year, possibly for a new war against Russia. Peoples hear the signals!
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